Comics Challenge – Join the Month Long Event
Some days you just do not work on your comic, even though you really want to. But no need to wait for motivation…I am starting a Comics Challenge so we can get stuff done for our comics everyday. By the end of the month, just think of all the progress that will be made on our comics. Continue reading below for all the details so you can participate.
Condensed Guidelines for the Comics Challenge
- Try to draw/work on your comic for a minimum of 30 minutes every day for one entire month.
- You can share here, anywhere, or not share at all. Use #comicschallenge on Instagram if you like (so we can follow each other there). Join this Tapastic forum to share there if you like as well.
- Introduce yourself below if you would like to join.
Additional Guidelines for the Comics Challenge
What to Share
Below is a list of some things to you can share during the upcoming month. No worries if you are working on behind the scenes or spoilers for your comic, you can still share a short written update about what you worked on that day. Also, no big deal if you do not accomplish much each day, works in progress are totally acceptable.
- Sketches
- Thumbnails
- Comic panels
- Concept art
- Reference sheets
- “Today I worked on scripting”
- “Today I did proofreading”
- Etc.
How Often & Where to Share
Daily sharing is not required, but is totally allowed. Feel free to upload any progress you make each day. You can share on social media using the hashtag #comicschallenge if you like. Personally, I will mainly be sharing my progress on my Instagram and in this forum on Tapastic. Several people have already joined the challenge in the Tapastic forum, so it is highly encouraged that you check it out.
Latecomers, no worries about joining the challenge midway through a month, or if there are a few days you have to skip. You are welcome to participate at any time.
Goals of the Comics Challenge
The purpose of this challenge is defeat art block, laziness, and procrastination by working your comic for a minimum of 30 minutes every day in for a month. There is a saying I like about using discipline, not motivation. Basically, it means, no need to wait. We can make our dreams come true starting today by using a little discipline. This challenge will help you get a lot of stuff done for your comic. Even if you only do the bare minimum of 30 minutes per day, by the end of the month, you will have made 15 1/2 hours of progress on your comic.
Additionally, another goal of the challenge is to hold each other accountable, to test our limits, and have like-minded individuals to share our shortcomings and successes with. So remember to give others your support and to compliment their hard work.
Finally, you can personalize the challenge however you like. Leave a comment below on how you plan to take on the challenge.
Free Comics Calendar
Need a way to keep track of your daily progress for the challenge? Here is a free printable calendar. Just hit download below and print out the calendar for yourself.

Free Social Media Shareable
Everyone is invited to join the challenge, and sharing about it is completely welcomed. You can share the image below on social media to help explain the event if you like. Additionally, you can direct people here to to help explain the event.

My Month Long Goals
If you are new to the site, hi, I am Gabriella. For this comics challenge, I worked on continuing development for my comic, Kindred Not – which has actually launched now. The main thing I wanted to work on during this challenge was to draw some character model sheets. I also considered making some background studies or prop designs. I really look forward to seeing more people join this challenge in the future, and cheering them on. You can find my past comics, art tips blog, social media links, etc., all on this site.
Comics Challenge Summary
This is going to be a great month for your comic! I cannot wait to see what everyone accomplishes. Feel free to introduce yourself below if you would like to join the challenge.
*Update: I did this challenge for a month and got a lot of stuff done for my comic, Kindred Not. For example, view my turnaround sheets, concept art, promotional material, etc. Another update, I took up the challenge a second time and got a bunch of comic pages drawn. One more update, Kindred Not Comic has now launched. You can read Episode 1 of Kindred Not now.
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