Episode 1 of Kindred Not – Start of Season 1
on January 2, 2024
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New episodes every other Tuesday 7pm CST
And that’s Episode 1 of Kindred Not! Now that Caden has decided to defy his order to report for the military, what will he do next? Well, I get to reveal it to you very soon! Truly, I am beyond excited to finally be sharing Kindred Not. I got the initial idea for the story way back in 2020. But I had to wait to really start working on it until I wrapped up my last webcomic. Then, I made a comic script, concept art, and prepared lots of comic pages. Now, the preparation work is finally coming to fruition, and we get to really enjoy the episodes. See you for the next one on Tuesday, January 16th. Make sure to subscribe so you can be notified when it comes out!
Discussion (13) ¬
Slay Caleb. Ahhh I’m so sorry I didn’t read asap I thought the release date was the 4th hahah. Nice work Gabriella!,