Kindred Not Cast

Your guide to the Kindred Not cast. Enjoy animations and bios of the webcomic’s main characters.

Because Amelie’s parents have failed to give her much attention; she has turned to her country, Alford, for love. She has been a member of the Alford girl scouts the majority of her years. Amelie loves her hometown Tarroughby, located in southern Alford. Despite this, she must flee her beloved homeland to escape imprisonment.

Deeply disappointed in his family members, Caden seeks to improve family laws in the hopes he can one day acquire a new, better family. His desires are a bit unusual for a 18 year old, but this is because his outlook was shaped from a young age. He is from the Village of Lemrock in southern Alford. His more pressing goal is to evade Alford’s mandatory draft by escaping to Lahren.

Less than a year old, baby Kenneth is too young to have any understanding of the political divide going on around him. With his mother neglecting to properly care for him, he deeply desires love. And living in Lemrock Village, he does not have many opportunities available to him either. To top it off, Kenneth, unknowingly of course, becomes a draft excuse for Caden. But, Kenneth’s cuteness and need for care have the potential to gain him more.

This 25 year old’s most exciting hobby is playing cards with an older couple…or is it? He is greatly indebted to the Dunalds, and naturally becomes their longtime family friend. Thus, he tries to keep Amelie Dunald safe as if she were his own daughter. Additionally, he has a cabin on the outskirts of the town of Tarroughby. His profession is raising livestock on his land, as well as some off the record business.

Although elderly, this woman has many hidden strengths. However, her spirit is greatly dampened by her solitude. Still, she wishes to be reunited with her son who moved away many years ago. She tries to fills this void by taking in boarders on her farm to keep her company. But peace is not going to last long in her home country of Glenbrooke, as with each day, the neighboring country, Alford, is growing closer to overtaking it.
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