Kindred Not Articles

Want a glimpse behind the making of a comic? Below are many Kindred Not articles detailing the comic making process and sharing helpful drawing tips.

How to Draw from Imagination – Easy Tips that Work
How to draw from imagination using simple tips! Forget staring at a blank page. Kiss goodbye wonky designs that fall flat. Stop wondering what dark magic allows artists to create amazing worlds with nothing but a pencil. This article teaches how to improve the quality of your original artworks. Simplyread more

Art Critiques – How & Where to Get Constructive Criticism
Art critiques can be a nerve wracking experience. Sometimes they leave you feeling defeated or like you wasted your time. But critiques do not have to be a negative experience. This guide will help you get feedback that is actually helpful! This article goes into detail about three main topicsread more

Motivation for Artists & an Update on My Comic
Motivation can be a hard thing for artists to keep in sight. But here you will find three easy tips to help you keep a positive mindset and thrive as an artist. Firstly, learn about how to keep things in perspective. Secondly, learn how to get inspiration from fellow more

Comic Planner – Free Templates for Preparing Your Comic
Comic Planner Overview This comic planner will help you prepare and organize your comic. This article explains the different templates and resources included in the comic planner, and how to use them. To use the planner, simply download the pages, and fill them out digitally or on paper. The pagesread more

Free Webcomic – Bonus Mini Comic from Kindred Not
A free webcomic is waiting for you! This new mini comic has an an all-ages storyline and something for all readers to enjoy. Gabriella Balagna is the writer and illustrator behind this comic. The short story includes some appreciation for the timeless charm of babies as well as the more

How to Draw Faster – 10 Tips to Increase Your Speed
How to draw faster – ten easy methods to choose from! In this article, you will learn a whole variety of tips to help increase your drawing speed. You can use all the tips, or pick the ones that work best for you. The tips include helpful advice on sketching,read more

How to Draw Backgrounds – A Comprehensive Guide
How to draw backgrounds better than you ever have before! This guide gives detailed tips on how to draw better backgrounds. It covers ten topics and goes into specific tips for each one. This drawing guide is perfect for beginners and advanced artists alike. Also, it will help artists learnread more

Character Turnaround Sheets from the Comic, “Kindred Not”
Character turnaround sheets are often overlooked by artists as unnecessary or boring to make. But I personally highly value them and actually think they are fun to make. So, below are the character turnaround sheets I am using for the comic I am developing called, Kindred Not. Before finalizing theseread more

Scrapped Concept Art – Unused Designs from the Comic, “Kindred Not”
Scrapping concept art is kind of expected. However, it is a shame for concept art to become completely forgotten. That’s why, I am gathering a large collection of my scrapped concept art here. Specifically, this scrapped art is all for a comic I am making called, Kindred Not. Included belowread more

Comics Challenge – Join the Month Long Event
Some days you just do not work on your comic, even though you really want to. But no need to wait for motivation…I am starting a Comics Challenge so we can get stuff done for our comics everyday. By the end of the month, just think of all the progress that willread more

Drawing References – Tips for Using References in Your Art
Drawing references, if used properly, can help artists take their work to the next level. This article teaches how to use references to improve art, how to accurately replicate them, how to avoid copyright issues, and some great places to find them. What are drawing references? Drawing references are anythingread more

Planning a Comic – 10 Tips from Researching for “Kindred Not”
Planning a comic will increase its chances of success. So this article gives 10 tips for researching and preparing a comic. It lists a bunch of things to research before diving into making a comic. For example, advertising, creating revenue, printing, publishing, cover design, setting, music, world-building, and style. Theseread more

Character Reference Sheets – Tips for Consistency, Hard Angles, Etc.
Character reference sheets are super useful. However, some people can find them tiresome or difficult to make. Nonetheless, these tips will help you make super awesome reference sheets. Additionally, some people feel like reference sheets are a waste of time. But this article will ensure your time invested making themread more

Comic Prep – Announcing Development for “Kindred Not”
Comic prep has begun for my next comic, Kindred Not. Yay! Having wrapped up production on two comics and countless drawing challenges, I am ready for a new project to take on. And since making comics is so much fun, I am excited to make another. But even more so,read more