Completed Comic – Read “Derailed” Online or Buy in Print
A completed comic can be hard to find. But search no more, the pages for Derailed are complete and ready to for you to read! Therefore, no waiting weeks just for a scene in a comic to finish. Additionally, no worrying about the author taking a long hiatus only to be unable to return.
You can read Derailed in its entirety right now. Read the comic online or buy a physical copy to make for an incredible reading experience. The comic contains 68 colorful pages, each containing detail and care.
Additionally, the author has a degree in Graphic Design, allowing the comic to have well thought out layouts, composition, and text. Above all, the many years of work put into the comic help make the story a memorable adventure.
About Derailed
The comic is a mixture of several genres. The story has some comedy, adventure, romance, and mystery too. Topics it focuses on are determination, self value, family, and sympathy.
The comic’s namesake originates from a horrible train accident that the story revolves around. Years prior to when the story starts is when the train derails. Nonetheless, tragedy still lingers, and the characters are bitter.
The project is a one person creation of Gabriella Balagna. In other words, Gabriella is the writer, artist, and publisher behind Derailed. The comic launched online on January 1st, 2020. After that, each week another page was distributed online so readers could enjoy watching the story unfold over time.
The physical version of the comic makes a perfect gift for any holiday, birthday, or special occasion. The plot appeals to many different age groups, such as preteens, teenagers, young adults, and seniors. The comic centers around a tragedy and contains a few perilous scenes, so it may not be a good choice for very young viewers.
Read the comic online or view the video below to get a glimpse of the storyline.
Sample Pages from the Completed Comic
Below is a sneak peek of some pages from the completed comic. Toby, the main character, lacks preparation for the snowy walk he must take to arrive in Seagate Village. Consequently, he lugs his suitcases for hours in the freezing cold without any warm clothes. Toby finally arrives at the village just to experience shock again. Goats are on the loose in the streets!

About the Setting
Derailed takes place in the snowy and isolate, Seagate Village. The temperatures there never rise above freezing. But the comic’s protagonist, Toby, cannot leave the wintery place until he builds a railroad connecting it to the outside world. Unfortunately, the villagers are unwilling to help Toby out with his architectural endeavor.
The name for Seagate Village has a funny back story. The name’s initial intention is to subtly reflect the setting’s remote feeling. The village is cut off from surrounding countries due to snowy mountains and a large body of water. The name Seagate Village sounds original enough. However, backing up my comic files to an external hard-drive revealed where the name really originates: the brand of my flash-drive is called Seagate. This gave me a nice laugh and funny story to look back on, so the name stuck.

Meet the Cast
The characters of Derailed each have their own personalities. The comic’s author strives for each cast member to have both some strengths and flaws. That is why they all have different desires and failures.

Toby Graham, Main Protagonist of Derailed
A dedicated young architect desperately striving to seem worthy in the eyes of his brothers. Toby’s four brothers send him alone and unprepared to Seagate Village. He must create a giant bridge to connect the isolated village to the outside world. After his arrival, Toby quickly discovers his job is not going to come easily. Despite being ill-prepared for the snowy environment and complicated job, Toby does not back down from the challenge. But he is still desperately in need of bravery and self-worth.

Herschel Hale, Seagate’s Biggest Opportunist
He lacks both ice fishing and goat herding skills. Herschel’s biggest downfall is putting to much focus on how to take advantage of situations. However, he does lend some help to Toby quite often. He gives Toby a place to stay and some not so helpful advice. Since he lives in Seagate Village, Herschel is able to offer some insight about the old train bridge to Toby. For example, he tells Toby all about the bridge’s hated creator: Blair Easton.

Blair Easton, Ruined Architect
Seagate’s most hated man. Blair has been shunned for the past several years. His reputation began to fall apart the same time his train bridge did. His failed architecture attempt caused lots of people and money to be lost forever. Subsequently, Blair is unable to believe in any amount of hope. He only believes in his reputation being permanently ruined. Making matters worse, he is bound to a wheelchair and lives alone, far away from the rest of the villagers.

Kolina Easton, Well-Meaning Granddaughter
Her generosity and kindness are both her strength and weakness. For example, when she discovers Toby injury, she immediately comes to his aide. But her love for her grandfather often overwhelms her composure. Kolina refuses to accept criticism of her grandfather, Blair Easton, who the villagers constantly insult. As Toby insulted her grandfather, she is very put off by him. She constantly tells Toby to leave Seagate Village and to refrain from stirring up accusations against her grandfather.

Zinka, Loose Mountain Goat
Belongs to Herschel’s pack of goats. Zinka’s name is taken from a real-life goat. The real-life Zinka contributed to the author’s existence. Back in WWII times, the author’s grandfather was young and famished. But by God’s grace Zinka began giving milk again, allowing her grandfather to survive enslavement by the Nazis.
Learn More about the Completed Comic
Looking for more story details? Read the webcomic from the start, or check out the latest page. You can also find bonus drawings of the cast in the extras page for Derailed.
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