Art Block is Annoying – Here Are Ideas to Beat it Fast
Art block does not have to last for long time periods! This article gives some ways to get out of art block fast. No more getting stuck in a drawing funk for days, months, or years.
Art Block is Annoying
Creators can sometimes feel a lack of motivation or inspiration. The feeling is a total drag and super infuriating. It can even block their ability to understand what the real problem at hand is. But an inability to create art does not make artists block heads, just art blocked.
An inability to make art, despite desperately wanting to, can be torturous. It can be hard to make any new creations or finish any works in progress. Comic artists may eat through their buffers rapidly. Influencers may run out of posts to share on social media. Beginners may stare sadly at an empty sketchbook, longing to fill it.
Having art block can feel unfair when other people seem to share endless amounts of art online everyday. Nonetheless, this annoyance happens to lots of creators, even ones outside the field of art. Creators should not feel alone in their frustration. Nor should they fret, because here are some ways to get out of art block fast:
Destroy Art Block by Ending Fatigue
A big cause of art block is often being tired. A lack of energy can cause artists to burnout and struggle to make any new art. Fatigue leaves little energy to even come up with ideas to draw. Taking breaks from drawing is important to help reenergize the mind. Overworking can cause artists to lack motivation to draw as well. Artists are only human and require proper rest. So, in order to end art block, artists should try resting up and taking better care of themselves. Already well rested? Read on for more ideas to get the pencil flowing again.
Unblock a Negative Mindset Fast
Get Some Inspiration
Artists are creators. They take blank sheets of paper and turn them into amazing designs. But, to make art like this requires inspiration, ideas, and knowledge. Without these, an artist can find them self in an art block. To remedy this, artists can browse for compelling illustrations, watch art videos, or read comics. Check out this comic, Derailed, for a little inspiration and a mood booster. Additionally, keep a positive mindset about making art. List the joys of making art. Also, leave me a comment on my Instagram and I will send you some positive thoughts. Finally, if loneliness or isolation is making art a chore, try drawing in a group or on a live stream. All these tips will can quickly melt away the lack of inspiration that can cause art block.
Improve Skills
What does improving skills have to do with ending art block? Well, when an artist is fearful or hateful of their art, they can be paralyzed into not creating. Even if they try to draw, it might seem like nothing is coming out right. To end this problem, artists need to stop thinking their art is bad. Every artist has lots of bad drawings in them, and those drawings are just part of the journey to making good art. Additionally, artists can try some methods and challenges to improve their art. After a little practice, their skill level will shoot up. This can start a chain reaction, where suddenly, they can be super proud of their skills, and stop being afraid to create.
Do Not Stress
Another big cause of art block is stress. Artists should take the pressure off of themselves to make masterpieces all the time. There is no need to be a perfectionist or to worry about making good art. Mess-ups are totally okay. Try not to get overwhelmed looking for references or overworking a drawing. Also, do not stress about drawing daily. Artists do not need to draw every single day. Try to relax and feel calm before sitting down to draw. Play some motivational music; for example, Day of Victory. These tips can help artists to quickly start creating joyfully again.

Beat Art Block by Making Something, Anything
Get Some Ideas to Draw
Another common cause of art block is a lack of ideas. Likewise, it can also be due to boredom from drawing the same things over and over. If so, artists can check out this giant list of drawing prompts and projects. Another idea for artists is to start a new drawing project. For instance, learn something new, like how to make an oil painting, or how to make a webcomic.
Do Something Related to Art
Still not really feeling any art vibes? Try taking a break and doing something related to art instead. For example, take notes on cinematography by studying the frames of a well crafted movie. Another fun idea for artists is to make a website, and design a home for their art online. Taking a break period from art to do something art-related will give artists time to recharge and relax. Shortly after, when returning to a sketchbook or computer to draw, their art block is likely to disappear.
Get Into a Routine
Getting into a the flow of drawing can cause time to pass quickly. Subsequently, without even realizing it, artists can beat their art block in a short amount of time. Thus, artists should achieve a steady work flow by creating a routine. For instance, they can decide to draw, first thing, upon waking each day. Even if the art does not turn out nice, the days ahead hold endless possibilities of greatness. Another idea is to decide a set amount of time to spend on art each day. Making a routine can help artists create new art, and break through art block.

There is no need to stay stuck in art block for a long time. Artists can try increasing energy levels to break out of it. Likewise, taking on a positive mindset can help as well. Most importantly, artists should try to just start making something, anything. Finally, to make time spent stuck in art block go by faster, it may be beneficial to get into an art routine.
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