Drawing Challenges – List of 50+ Popular Art Challenges
Drawing challenges are a fun way to create art. This list contains 50+ popular art challenges. With this list, everybody is sure to find the perfect challenge for them. That is because this list covers a wide variety of challenges. For example, the types of challenges listed are: month long, daily, quantity-focused, meme/social media, goofy/entertaining, and comic.
Additionally, in the lower half of this article you will find a set of answers to frequently asked questions about drawing challenges. For instance, learn why you should take on a drawing challenge. Also, find out some drawing challenges to improve your skills. Moreover, this article shares where to find specific information about drawing challenges. Furthermore, it shares tips on how to successfully complete a challenge. Finally, find out how to have a challenge added to the list.
Continue reading to find the perfect challenge for you!
Month Long Drawing Challenges
First listed are some challenges that take place over a month’s time. These challenges are specific to certain calendar months. Nonetheless, you can always bend the rules and participate in them any month you prefer. Also, most of these particular challenges require daily drawing and can be quite a big commitment. However, you can still try them even if you cannot commit to daily drawing. Additionally, several of these month long challenges are official annual events with large followings. So, many of them are a great way to connect with your fellow artists. Here are the challenges, listed by their respected months:
- January: n/a
- February: Faebruary, February Faces
- March: Magical March, March of Robots
- April: n/a
- May: Mermay
- June: Junicorn, Kaijune
- July: Art Fight
- August: Smaugust
- September: Swordtember
- October: Inktober, Sharktober
- Novemeber: Slovember, Huevember
- December: Drawcember, Doodlecember

Daily Drawing Challenges
Next on this list of challenges, are ones you can do everyday. These daily challenges are great for artists looking to form a habit of drawing regularly. Additionally, they are great for artists looking for motivation to practice their craft. Likewise, daily drawing challenges can work great as stress relief, to fill time, or to build creativity.
What is more, daily drawing challenges can be a fun way to collect memories. For example, it would be fun to have a sketchbook to contain a year’s worth of drawings. You could try using this white 365 page sketchbook or kraft 365 page sketchbook to collect your daily drawings. #affiliatelinks
As a side-note, for some, it can be a bit intimidating to commit to drawing every single day. So, maybe first try committing to a month of drawing first. Then, if that goes well, you can decide if daily drawing is something you want to stick with.
But enough talk, here are the popular daily drawing challenges:

Quantity-Focused Drawing Challenges
The challenges listed below all involve a set amount of drawing. Also, for some of these challenges, you can even choose the subject matter you want to draw. Additionally, these challenges often require a high volume of drawing. Thus, these challenges are great for artists looking to up their speed or output.
- 100 Heads Challenge
- 100 Days of Sketching
- The 100 Day Project
- Draw 50 Things
- Sketchbook Slam #affiliatelink
- The Sketchbook Challenge #affiliatelink
- 30 Essential Expressions Challenge
Meme/Social Media Drawing Challenges
The particular challenges listed below are popular on social media platforms. Therefore, some of these challenges are newer. However, some of these challenges have been around for years. It should be mentioned, many of these challenges are shared by using their relative hashtags. Thus, these challenges can be a fun way to discover other artists. Likewise, they can be a great way to get your own work discovered.
Also, it should be noted, these challenges usually are not literally challenging. To clarify, they usually do not place much focus on honing artistic craft. Rather, they are mainly focused on amusement. Nonetheless, that makes these challenges well suited for artists looking to kick back and have some fun with their art!
- Draw This in Your Style
- ToonMe
- Meet the Artist
- Art Improvement Meme
- Six Fanarts
- Draw This Again
- Art Vs Artist – Face Your Art
- Best 9, Top 9
- Art Style
- Witchsona
- Pokesona
- Trying Every TikTok

Goofy/Entertaining Drawing Challenges
Next up are some goofy challenges. These challenges are commonly produced as online entertainment. In other words, they are usually done with the intention of monetization. That said, these challenges do not really have specific hashtags. That is because, these silly challenges are more common on video sharing platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
Still, these challenges can be done just for fun, rather than for monetary gains. After all, they are all quite interesting to participate in. So, if you are looking for a challenge to lift up your mood, these light-hearted challenges are sure to fit the bill.
- Left Hand
- 3 Marker Challenge
- 1 Marker Challenge
- Pinterest Tells Me What to Draw
- 10 Minute, 1 Minute, 10 Second
- Cheap Art Supply, Crayola
- Sharpie
- Using Every (Insert Color) Art Supply I Have
- Turn Scribble into Art
- Plein Air
- The Great Outdoor Painting Challenge
- ArtSnacks #affiliatelink
Comic Drawing Challenges
Finally, these last few challenges are intended for comic creators. Both comic illustrators and writers can participate in these challenges. There are a variety of purposes to these challenges. They include getting work done on a comic, making a comic every hour, and finishing a comic in 24 hours. Certainly though, all these challenges are a blast to participate in.
Specifically, I put together “Comics Challenge” this past year to help me and other comic artists. The challenge is great for getting work done on your comic. Personally, I was able to make a lot of progress in developing my comic, Kindred Not. Other participants made a lot of headway on their comics as well. So, all in all, it is highly recommended for comic makers to try out.

Frequently Asked Questions About Drawing Challenges
Why Should I Do a Challenge?
Drawing challenges are awesome for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they can help artists to find community with like-minded artists. Secondly, they can help beat the dreaded art block or not knowing what to draw. Thirdly, they are helpful for creating routine and discipline. Fourthly, they can help artists break out of their comfort zones and experiment. Finally, they can help an artist improve their skills.
What Are Some Challenges to Improve Art Skills?
Art challenges are great. However, not all of them focus on improving. If you are are looking to level up your art game, their are specific challenges to try. So, check out this article: Actual Ways to Improve Your Art – Methods and Challenges That Work
Where Can I Find Specific Information About a Challenge?
Each of the drawing challenges listed above have a lot of specific information about them – too much for a singular article. So links are provided to their official websites. And if a website is not available, then a link is given to a relevant example, hashtag search, template, or product. Just click the links to find out the details of a challenge, if they are still running, who the creator is, the official prompt list, what the hashtag is, etc.
What Are Some Tips for Completing a Challenge?
Just do your best. Also, be sure to prepare and plan ahead. Likewise, have your supplies ready. As well, try to get support or even to get accountability. Particularly, finding a community to do a challenge with can be super motivating. Additionally, share your work if you find it motivating. Remember to pat yourself on the back for what you do accomplish. Above all, have fun. And, for extra help, check out this article: Productivity for Artists – How to Achieve Your Art Goals
Can You Add a Challenge to the List?
Just leave a comment with a link to the challenge. The challenge must be open to the general public. It can be a challenge created by someone else or yourself. That said, please only submit family-friendly challenges though. Even if it is an upcoming challenge, you can share it here. I would love to help new challenges expand their number of participants.
What Should I Draw During a Challenge?
Some challenges do not have specific subject matter listed to draw. So, you may be needing ideas of what to draw during a challenge. If so, check out this article: What Should I Draw? – Drawing Prompts & Projects

Thanks for Reading This List of Drawing Challenges!
Hope you enjoyed this list of drawing challenges. Leave a comment on which is your favorite one.
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