Christian Comic – Biblical Messages Found in “Derailed”
Christian comic, Derailed, helps shed light on God’s promises and love for people. The purpose of Derailed is to uplift believers and unbelievers alike. This article will help people discover the biblical teachings that inspire its story. Additionally, below are some inspirational bible verses and questions for reflection to help expand readers’ faiths.
New Readers – Start Here!
The following article contains spoilers. It is recommended to first read Derailed, and then come back to this page. Or, for people thinking about sharing the comic with kids/others, read on!
This article discusses the major biblical inspiration behind the themes of Derailed and why it falls into the Christian comic genre. Additionally, it gives questions for reflection. The questions are a great way to discuss faith, so do not be shy to talk about them with others.
Wondering if Derailed is a good fit? Here is what the story is all about: Temperatures above freezing don’t exist in Seagate Village. But Toby can’t leave until he builds a railroad connecting it the outside world. The story is a bit of adventure, comedy, mystery, romance, and drama. With some mention of tragedy and a few perilous scenes, this comic has about a PG rating.
Christian Meaning in Comic, “Derailed”
While at first impression, Derailed, does not outright fall into the Christian comic category, Christian faith is the driving factor behind its creation. Stories with biblical inspiration are a great way to model biblical teaching to people, without shoving religion down their throats. For example, as a child, The Chronicles of Narnia stories helped me to unconsciously learn about God. Even though I did not know they were theological at the time, I still enjoyed them and their messages. When I got older, my mom, brother, and I revisited The Chronicles of Narnia. We enjoyed using them to talk about faith together. Likewise, these are the intentions of Derailed.
Mirroring Genesis: Comparing Joseph with Toby
You may be familiar with the account of Joseph from Genesis, or as it is often called, Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors. An animated movie about Joseph (Joseph: King of Dreams,) made a huge impact on the story of Derailed. Joseph partly inspired Derailed’s main character, Toby.
In Genesis 37, Joseph’s several brothers are utterly terrible to him. Likewise, in Derailed, Toby’s many brothers hate him as well. Genesis 37 begins when Joseph is just sixteen or seventeen; Toby is similarly aged. Joseph’s brothers try to get rid of him, as is what happens to Toby.
In Genesis 45 and 46, it is written that despite the trials Joseph went through, he becomes well-respected in Egypt. Additionally, he does not hold his anger against his brothers. Comparably, Toby gains favor in Seagate Village and decides not to hold hatred against his brothers. Derailed mirrors the idea of a brother who is hated, but ultimately has great purpose.
…I’m your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.
Genesis 45:4-5
Question for reflection: Joseph’s and Toby’s brothers are mean and look down on them. But Joseph and Toby still go on to be kind people. Name a time when someone was mean to you. Did you react the right way?

Christian Principle: Making the Moral Choice
Jesus is the ultimate model to follow. But often, it can be hard for people to make the right decisions, and they fall short. Derailed’s protagonist, Toby is put in a hard place. He wants fortune and fame in the eye’s of his brothers. But he has the chance to instead restore Blair Easton’s reputation. The Eastons have not been kind to Toby since his arrival. Thus, Toby has a hard time choosing the correct thing to do.
Right as Toby is contemplating what to do, wolves chase after him, and give him a real scare. This frightening moment gives Toby some enlightenment. He realizes he should not work to serve his own selfish desires if it will cause others to suffer. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to help everyone. Derailed teaches to show love and kindness, and to choose the righteous choice, just as Jesus does.
If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.
James 4:17
Question for reflection: Toby makes the right choice, even though he thinks he will suffer from it. What was a time when it was hard for you to please God by making the right choice? Are you glad you did so?

Christian Promise: A Hope and a Future
Derailed is all about Toby’s longing for purpose and worthiness. Toby’s plans keep getting thrown off track and derailed. He even has to sacrifice his own chance to make a profit, which means he must return home to his brothers as a failure. But it turns out that Toby’s strife is not purposeless. In the end, Toby receives wonderful blessings from God.
The intention of this comic is to teach people not be distraught with despair or hopelessness. In the midst of pain, it is hard to see the goodness waiting ahead. But people’s lives do not get derailed for no reason. Jesus declares not to lose faith, for there is goodness ahead:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Question for reflection: Toby’s adventure in Seagate Village is tough and tiresome, but he does not give up. Name something difficult you are experiencing. Do you think God has a greater plan for you beyond this moment?

Christian Principle: Love Thy Neighbor – Literally
The people in Seagate Village keep a firm hatred of Blair Easton. They ruin his career, shun his entire family, and speak ill of him. Thus, Blair isolates himself away from his neighbors and becomes angry. Additionally, his granddaughter becomes over protective of him and turns quite bitter.
However, Blair’s neighbors are wrong about him, and cause him much unnecessary pain. The Bible helps teach people to avoid causing others pain. Similarly, Derailed tries to teach why people should not hate each other.
…Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Mark 12:31
Question for reflection: The villagers in Seagate wrongly blame Blair Easton for the loss of lives and money. Think of a time you were mean to someone. What would have been a better action or choice of words?

Christian Comic – Bonus Messaging
Concealed in Derailed is a fun secret. The numbers representing one of my favorite bible verses are hidden for readers to find. Here is a hint on what numbers to look for:
…so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.
Question for reflection: God is present everywhere, places we might not even notice, unless we look. So, look around. What are some blessings you did not notice before?

Christian Comic – A Final Word About Derailed
Christian comics are an amazing tool to grow closer to God. I feel so blessed for this opportunity to use Derailed to share God’s teachings with the world. Finally, I hope people enjoy the Biblical messages that inspire its story.
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