Art Critiques – How & Where to Get Constructive Criticism
Art critiques can be a nerve wracking experience. Sometimes they leave you feeling defeated or like you wasted your time. But critiques do not have to be a negative experience. This guide will help you get feedback that is actually helpful!
This article goes into detail about three main topics concerning art critiques. Firstly, it covers how you should prepare for a critique. Secondly, it shares where you can find willing and helpful critics. Thirdly, it teaches how to carry out an effective critique.
Preparing for Art Critiques
Before starting a critique, it is important to be well prepared. This will make things go a lot more smoothly. Also, it will help to ensure you receive beneficial feedback. Listed below are a few things to do to prepare for a successful critique.
Narrow Down What You Want Critiqued
To prepare for an art critique, first narrow down what you want critiqued. For example, do you want feedback on a collection, a few pieces, or a stand alone piece? Additionally, decide if you want critique on a work in progress or a finished work. Next, figure out what specific advice you want to receive. For instance, do you want feedback on your technical abilities, story, or readability?
Most importantly, decide what your goals are for this critique. Maybe you are trying to improve your grade on a school assignment. Or maybe you are trying to improve the readability of your webcomic. Whatever your goals, just try to narrow them down. This will help to make sure your critique is not pointless.
Mentally & Physically Prepare for Criticism
Another step to preparing for an art critique is to get mentally and physically ready. Your critique may be mandatory or self inflicted. Either way, try to make sure you are in the right head space. Know when to take things with a grain of salt.
You may undergo a critique as part of school or a job. Contrarily, you may go out specifically looking for feedback. If so, make sure this is the right timing for a critique. Do not ask for a critique if you have no plans to do anything with it. You may not currently have the time or patience to do so. Try to only ask for advice if you are willing to actually make changes to your art. Of course, the advice you receive can be implemented now or in the future. However, just make sure it is not going to go to waste.
Determine the Right Critics
A third measure to take before starting a critique is to determine the right critics. This step is specifically for artists who are voluntarily asking for critique. Try to figure out the type of perspective you are looking for. For example, do you want feedback from someone familiar with your art? Or would you rather get feedback from fresh eyes – someone unfamiliar with your art? The opinions of both can be valid. However, just know that someone who is familiar with your art may give a more biased opinion. Likewise, some people may be afraid to hurt your feelings.
Where to Find Helpful Critics
Once you have prepared for an art critique, it is time to find critics. Nevertheless, not just any critics will do. You want only people who will actually give you valid and helpful advice. Before searching for critics, make sure you have read above on determining the right critics.
Helpful critics can be found in a large variety of places. For example, you can ask for critiqe from people in real life. This can include family, friends, teachers, and even strangers. Additionally, you can turn to online forums for feedback. These forums can include Reddit, Discord, or other online communities. For instance, the Tapas forum is great place for comic artists looking to get feedback. Moreover, you can turn to your online followers for feedback. Try putting out a poll or survey on social media or through your mailing list.
To find good critics, it is often helpful to reach out to people in the same community as you. This is because they have a built in understanding of your field. For example, book illustrators naturally have more knowledge of book illustration than the average person. Thus, they can often give more insightful advice if you want your book illustrations reviewed. Likewise, people who know you are often more likely to give detailed feedback. Just try to find critics who will feel invested in providing their opinions.
People are generally willing to have a chance to express their opinions. Nonetheless, seeking out helpful critics is not always easy. You may have to offer something in return for their feedback or time. For instance, you may need to give a critique in exchange for receiving one.
Now that you know where to find helpful critics, you can go seek them out. But first, read below on how to execute your critique well.
Executing Art Critiques Well
After preparing for a critique and finding critics, it is time to actually go through with one. The tips below will help to make sure your critique goes smoothly. More importantly, the tips will make sure that by the end of the critique you have received valuable information on how to improve your art.
Make a Pitch
To execute your critique well, make sure to have a good pitch. In other words, have your work ready to show and easy to see. For physical art, this means displaying your work in a presentable manner. For digital artists, it means having links to your online content, or sharing files of the work you want critiqued.
Additionally, have an explanation ready explaining what you want from this critique. Your explanation can be a paragraph of questions, a survey form, or even a poll. Just make clear what specific opinions or feedback you want from your critics. Similarly, be clear what form you want responses to take. For instance, you may want to receive people’s top three complaints about an artwork. Or rather, maybe you want one paragraph of feedback. Furthermore, be sure to explain why you are asking for feedback.
When pitching your art, it does not always have to be in a final, finished stage. In fact, it is helpful if you show your art before it is done. For example, look below to see the work in progress images I asked for feedback on. These are thumbnail sketches for my bonus comic. To some, the pages may just look like a sloppy mess. But it was great to get feedback on them during this stage. For example, I specifically asked if the images made sense and for tips to improve the script. You can see how the finished pages compare for this bonus comic.

Show Respect & Gratitude to Your Critics
Another important part of a well executed critique is honoring your critics. Firstly, make them aware that you appreciate their time. Secondly, let them know that you are willing to listen to each of their advice. However, be genuine, and actually mean what you say. Thirdly, speak kindly to your critics, rather than becoming angry with their feedback.
Moreover, be willing to reciprocate a favor to your critics. Sometimes, critiques are give and take. If necessary, you can make a trade with your critics. Of course, the most common thing to do is to give a critique in return for getting one.
Finally, remember to say thank you. Let your critics know their time will not go to waste. Share how you plan to implement their advice.
Make Use of Feedback
A final step to executing a good critique is to actually make use of feedback. To do so, be sure to take notes of the feedback you receive. Sometimes, we can later forget advice, no matter how great it sounds at the time.
Implement useful feedback into your art. You can make changes to prior work, new work going forward, or both. Sometimes this can be easier said than done. Putting improvements into your work may require some studying or practice. You may have to do some research to apply the improvements your critics suggested.
Furthermore, do not be afraid to dismiss rude feedback. Ignore brash and hateful criticism that is unhelpful. Do not respond to negative opinions with hate. Rather, brush it off. Some critics are not well trained in how to give helpful advice. Others are just having a bad day or projecting their own failures. So try not to get hung up on the words of trolls.

Hope This Helps Improve Your Art Critiques!
Now you have learned three ways to improve your art critiques. Firstly, how to prepare for a critique. Secondly, where you can find good critics. Thirdly, how to carry out an effective critique. So, leave a comment on your plans for your next art critique!
Also, for more tips on improving your art, check out my blog.
The art in this post is from my bonus comic. To see more like it, grab your copy of my free webcomic.
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